The recycling challenge has won Bayram a new park bench

2021-12-06 14:10:05 By : Ms. Jamie Lin

Byram Township wants its residents to know that the chance of winning a new park bench is indeed in the bag.

The town’s environmental committee recently completed a community challenge requiring the collection of 500 pounds of soft plastic film within six months. This is equivalent to approximately 40,500 ordinary grocery store bags.

Trex, based in Virginia, provides a recycling challenge program to municipalities, schools, and civil organizations across the country. If enough pounds of qualified plastic are collected, the company will reward the participating group with a bench made of recycled materials.

With the strong support of township residents, the Environmental Protection Committee completed its goal within four months.

"We think the plan will provide our residents with an interesting way to gather for two reasons," said Catherine Parish, chairman of the Byram Environmental Committee. "We can promote the responsible recycling of plastics and hopefully improve our parks."

Trex benches will be placed in Tamarack Park in spring.

From bubble wrap to cereal box lining

The Environment Committee approached the Entertainment Committee to determine if they would be willing to sponsor a challenge to maintain momentum, and they are happy that the committee agreed to do so.

Residents are required to continue to discard eligible plastics, such as the outer packaging of water bottle boxes, bubble wrap, newspaper covers, cereal box linings, agricultural products, bread and salt bags, and other such items.

Plastic items marked with the No. 2 or No. 4 recycling symbol are also acceptable. The donated plastic materials must be clean, dry and free of food residues. The plastic was collected in designated bins at the Bayram Municipal Building at 10 Mansfield Avenue in Stanhope.

“Since 2006, Trex has successfully held the Recycling Challenge, the purpose of which is to promote the importance of plastic film recycling to the public through community and municipal programs,” said Stephanie Hicks, Trex Material Purchasing Manager.

Since the launch of the plan, more than 2,000 cities, schools and civil organizations have participated.

For more information on recycling challenges and what plastics are acceptable and unacceptable, please visit or contact Donna Fett via email

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