Cost-effective closed-loop solution for automotive plastic waste

2021-12-13 17:37:30 By : Mr. John Locke

Eastman has partnered with US Automotive Materials Partners (USAMP) and automotive recyclers PADNOS to conduct a concept feasibility study to demonstrate a closed-loop project to recycle the automotive industry's mixed plastic waste in the automotive supply chain. 

When cars are scrapped, metals, tires, and glass account for 80-90% of the materials that can be recycled through traditional mechanical recycling streams. The other 10-20% is called automobile shredder residue (ASR), which consists of mixed plastics and other non-recyclable materials, which are currently eventually landfilled or recycled through waste-to-energy technology. Under this initiative, PADNOS will use ASR as a sustainable raw material for the Eastman molecular recycling process, creating a circular solution.

The study will also evaluate how Eastman's Carbon Recycling Technology (CRT) (one of Eastman's two molecular recycling technologies) breaks down the plastic-rich part of ASR into molecular building blocks. By recycling these complex plastics in the CRT, Eastman can replace fossil-based raw materials and make polymers without compromising the performance of new automotive applications.

"This 12-month automotive recycling project in collaboration with Eastman and PADNOS is part of USAMP's extensive materials research and sustainability program," said USCAR Executive Director Steve Zimmer. "A program like this is essential to establish a cost-effective way to solve the challenges associated with the consumption of ASR back into auto parts, in order to achieve a true industry cycle."

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